Sunday, December 10, 2017

Celebrate with us. New music new vlog series. Hip hip hooray.

Perfect Blue Two is coming sooner then you think and I have word word to describe it "personal". Follow me through this journey as I travel from a street rat into the palace of emotional stability tackling my inner demons and staying true to myself. I promise to give you pure hip hop like I always do and I am going to make sure my label is the frontier of originality and passion for the year 2018.

This track Pikachu is another glimpse at Perfect Blue 2. I am going to be constantly working and should have plenty of updates on by this weekend.

The blog is at 7,000 views. Thank you everyone that has been down for me and my wife. I am trying to no longer curse in my music as well. Anywho, enjoy and keep checking in. I will be updating a lot more.

Happy holidays and once again Happy Birthday Raven Symone. Celebrate dining with class and intellect with Jet Lee Jetson. A new unique showcase of monologue and food brought to you from the creative scholar on his new series Take Out Confessions. On today's episode Jet Lee reluctantly discusses mainstream hip hop and his recent run ins with police and asylums. He also describes his long time plans of exposing Jay-Z as well as speaks on his plans of starting his own label. Today's premier episode is dedicated to his wife Raven Symone as she celebrates her birthday. Look for new interesting glimpses into Jet Lee's life as we head into 2018 on

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Happy birthday Raven Symone. (New music from Perfect Blue 2)

Happy birthday Raven Symone. May you continue to challenge me in every aspect of life. I cherish every moment I am allowed to work towards the betterment of us and thank the higher power you exist to lead by example that life is full of amazing things like staying positive amongst so many obstacles. I hope you know I cannot help my sense of humor. I truly attempt to make light of this because it often seems so unreal. I still can't believe this is my life sometimes. Keep me grounded baby. I just don't know what I would do without you. Happy birthday my dearest most vital piece in this puzzle they call life.