Friday, August 3, 2018

New music from Perfect Blue

People let's get my youtube views up. Let's leave some comments. Let's make me feel like I am not fuggin talking to myself here. I am gearing up for a press release soon and a video for Raven and I. Also on a liquid diet so I can look a little better in my upcoming photos.

Once again for those that don't know I tried to kill myself and it didn't work.

(Deadpool 2 jokes save them.)

I am currently in awe at how people feel like if they have a platform then they want to walk all over someone else's dreams.

Example, the guy that wanted me and Charles to battle in his league fuggin hasn't hit me back in like four days but when he thought he could get Charles on his shit he was using the fuck out of me. It seems I have to be my own manager and spend money to get a following. It used to be artist would help artist. Each one teach one...but it's like I am being blackballed by dudes that put on a persona of it's all hip hop but they fuggin screw you over when they-

Fuck all of the complaints man. For those that care here's some new music from my Perfect Blue project:

We will get rich or die trying.

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